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PINNED Scheduled scan progress indicator
Would it be possible to have a progress bar or a file counter to show the progress of the scan?
PINNED AWS Connector
Hello, we have a customer that is utilizing resources in AWS. Would it be possible to create a cloud connector for AWS resources so we can scan for data in S3 buckets and see access permissions assigned by their IAM tool.

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Showing 27 of 27

Cisco Meraki wireless API ingest new network asset discovery

Meraki access points have this phenomenal feature called host isolation that lets you completely isolate endpoints connected to Meraki APs from one another. Endpoints cannot ping the gateway or any other devices on the same SSID. You can make exce...
Adam Palmer about 1 month ago in  0

Add computer exceptions to Mandatory Software (Approvals)

Sometimes there are known cases where software would otherwise be mandatory, but there are extenuating circumstances. For example, we have a Mac running a Windows VM in Parallels, and that Windows instance running on ARM architecture isn't compati...
Blaine Kahle about 2 months ago in  0

Approve a piece of software for multiple hosts (but not all) from the Search Software view

Proposed workflow: 1. Checkbox 2+ Hosts for the same piece of Software2. Push Approve Selected3. Be presented with the existing software approval dialog box to confirm adding that software as approved (and possibly required), with the Allowed host...
Blaine Kahle 2 months ago in  0

Password PII Tag

We have customers that are looking to locate password within documents and files. Would it be possible, similar to finding SSN to tag found passwords within documents.
Guest about 2 months ago in  0

Read-only API keys

Read-only keys are desired at both at the organization level, and at the partner level. It feels odd to use a read-write key to fetch the installer, and we are likely to develop reports at the partner level that will only read data, not write it.
Blaine Kahle 5 months ago in  0 Planned

Software EOL/EOS Data

We have been asked from several auditors on what control/mechanisms as used to inventory and track software in use that is end of life or end of support. Would be great if the system could check the version from software invetory and add in a date...
Rick Mutzel 8 months ago in  1 Planned

Endpoint Retire / Decommission Status

Add functionally to retire asset or decommission Create tenant value for retire asset after offline for XX days Create retire status workflow for removing agent data from reporting and scheduled jobs when endpoint hits threshold above. Data will b...
Rick Mutzel about 1 year ago in  0

Support common special characters in Organization Name

...Or at least in the optional Display Name. Characters that are frequent are comma (,), ampersand (&), and period (.) Lawyers are often "Alice, Bob, and Charlie" Medical clients may have "OrgName, P.C." Some prefer to use their ", Inc." or ",...
Blaine Kahle 5 months ago in  0

Dark mode

No description provided
Guest 3 months ago in  0

Add affected target IPs to the remote vulnerability audit "full list" output

Currently if you only check "generate a full list of vulnerability details", you get a PDF with CVE details for vulnerabilities found, but nothing to indicate where that finding was. If you also check "generate a vulnerability summary for each sou...
Blaine Kahle 7 months ago in  0